About Us
About Us
We go to the bush, and bring back the wildest flavours British Columbia has to offer.
So you don't have to.
Our Story
Our Story
Welcome to the glamorous world of foraging! We're sure you imagine it's all sequin gowns and cocktail parties. But the truth is, it's a lot of hard work, frequently in unpleasant conditions, in areas where there are a lot of bears. And other things that will kill and/or eat you. We wouldn't make our living any other way.
Island Planet Foragers is a small family-owned business located in Prince George, British Columbia. At a young age, we already realized the lifestyle and health benefits of wild foraging. Foraging edibles from the Canadian wilderness is truly good for your health! And experiencing that kind of raw, natural beauty is good for the soul.
Central and Northern British Columbia provide wild edibles from March to October or November. We go to the best-producing areas at the best times.
Working in the fresh, forest air is a bonus! Living in natural surroundings for months at a time makes us respect and appreciate it. Even the bugs. Countless types of weird, exotic bugs. And hundreds of weird, exotic bug bites. Also, the bears.
Apart from the different forest creatures, you also have to deal with rain, mud, hail, and sometimes even snow. You can be crawling, falling, slipping, and sliding, just to reach a particularly prolific patch of porcinis. That's crazy, you might say. And you would probably be right. However, we really enjoy wild foraging, and we'd appreciate it if you wouldn't judge.
It also requires a great deal of experience and knowledge. You have to know what to pick, and when to pick it. It is also important to know where -- and where not -- to harvest. We travel to the deep forests of Canada's wild, wild west, far away from sources of pollution and contamination. The moose, the deer, the grouse with her little chicks, the fluffy little rabbits, the eagles soaring overhead -- these are our only companions in these secluded areas. Plus, the bears.
Sustainability is our motto; there's no avoiding it. The bears wouldn't stand for it. We respect our wilderness, and leave it as it was before we set camp in it ─ and with a bit less of the edibles after we've moved on.
Want to learn more about mushroom hunting?
This video is a great place to start!
Want to learn more about mushroom hunting?
This video is a great place to start!

We love wild mushrooms! After experiencing the versatility of these seasonal delicacies for ourselves, we decided it would be nice to share them.
We provide a variety of dehydrated wild mushrooms for customers -- through online sales, local delivery, at our local farmer's market, and through select grocery retailers.
Sharing the Love For Over 10 Years
Sharing the Love For Over 10 Years