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Why You Want to Go Wild
Why You Want to Go Wild
There are over 50,000 species of wild mushrooms, and we are discovering new ones all the time. Some are hallucinogenic, 1 - 2 percent are poisonous, many ha​ve medicinal pr​operties, and some are just plain delicious. As modern foragers, we owe a great debt to the experimentation and sacrifice of our ancestors, who frequently ended up wandering around the woods high as kites, or, unfortunately, dead. Through this process, over thousands of years, foragers have whittled down the list to about 20 varieties that are the most flavourful. Beautiful British Columbia is home to many of the very best. This is our select inventory of BC's wildest flavours.
Wild Versus Cultivated
Mushrooms are complex and sensitive organisms. The soil, sunlight, humidity, and other inter-dependent growing conditions are impossible to replicate in an industrial setting. Mass cultivation results in bland uniformity. Natural processes, such as vitamin D production from sunlight, are replaced with industrial substitutes, such as artificial UV exposure -- the equivalent of sticking your mushrooms in a tanning bed. Mother nature, we find, does it best.
We know you have your choice of natural superfoods, and we hope you'll give British Columbia wild mushrooms a chance. Of course, not all natural superfoods are created equal. For instance, kelp calls itself a superfood. Mmmmm. Kelp. It's like eating kleenex. It would probably be better with wild mushrooms. Everything else is. Hey, kelp! If you want to hang out with the cool superfoods, maybe you should develop a personality!
"Excluding fortified foods, mushrooms are the only good plant source of vitamin D.
Like humans, mushrooms can synthesize this vitamin when exposed to UV light (27Trusted Source)"
"Wild mushrooms are excellent sources of vitamin D2. In fact, some varieties pack up to 2,300 IU per 3.5-ounce (100-gram) serving — nearly three times the DV (Percentage Daily Value)."
"The primary source of vitamin D is sunlight because exposure to ultraviolet light triggers a vitamin D-producing process in your skin. Vitamin D is not found in many foods, especially not in plant-based foods, but it is present in mushrooms. Morels are one of the highest mushroom sources, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. You must have an adequate amount of vitamin D for calcium to be absorbed and used properly. Vitamin D also helps regulate blood pressure and stimulates messenger cells in the immune system."
"Excluding fortified foods, mushrooms are the only good plant source of vitamin D.
Like humans, mushrooms can synthesize this vitamin when exposed to UV light (27Trusted Source)"
"Wild mushrooms are excellent sources of vitamin D2. In fact, some varieties pack up to 2,300 IU per 3.5-ounce (100-gram) serving — nearly three times the DV (Percentage Daily Value)."
"The primary source of vitamin D is sunlight because exposure to ultraviolet light triggers a vitamin D-producing process in your skin. Vitamin D is not found in many foods, especially not in plant-based foods, but it is present in mushrooms. Morels are one of the highest mushroom sources, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. You must have an adequate amount of vitamin D for calcium to be absorbed and used properly. Vitamin D also helps regulate blood pressure and stimulates messenger cells in the immune system."
In a recent study, a variety of widely-sold mushroom products was tested to see what was actually tucked inside the pretty packaging. In this video, Adam Haritan summarizes the surprising, and sometimes graphic, results.
​Why Pur​ity is Important
​Why Pur​ity is Important
There are several good reasons we take great care in the selection, processing and packaging of our mushrooms.
- We take pride in our product.
- We assume you would prefer to know what you're buying.
- We believe that making your customers violently ill is, in general, a poor business practice.
A Note About Flavour
A Note About Flavour
Because mushrooms are mushrooms, and people are people, the flavour experience can be different for everyone. After all, one man's vintage chardonnay is another man's bat urine. Any description of a mushroom's flavour is at least partially subjective. For that reason, we recommend not buying large quantities of mushrooms you have never tasted before. Try a variety of mushrooms, and choose your favourites. Exploring the amazing range of tastes, aromas, and textures is part of the fun!

Dried Morel Mushrooms
Morchella Conica
Dried morels can be reconstituted by soaking for 20 - 30 minutes in warm water. The soaking liquid can be used as stock after sieving it.
The supreme flavor of morels is not just appreciated by humans; black morels are also known to be consumed by grizzly bears.
A 100 gram serving of morel mushrooms contains 31 calories, 5.1g of carbohydrates, 3.1g of protein, 2.8g of fiber and negligible fat.
Morel mushrooms are a rich source of iron and vitamin D, with moderate levels of vitamins B2, B3, B6, manganese, phosphorus and zinc. They have low levels of calcium, potassium, vitamins B1, B5, and folate.
Dried Aspen Bolete
Leccinum insigne
As can be deduced by its common name, the best place to look for Aspen Boletes is in aspen groves. The following is some great advice from Forager Chef:
"I prefer to dry them, since I think it concentrates their flavor and also bypasses any danger of under-cooking.
Dehydrating mushrooms has a way of denaturing the compounds in many species that could be difficult to eat raw, or could possibly give you gastric upset. Morels and Leccinums are both perfect examples of this.
The other bonus of dehydrating is that, as much as I love scaber stalks, they just taste better dehydrated, period. Fresh Leccinums have an okay texture, but their aroma and taste are rather mild.
Dehydrating brings out their rich, mushroom tones and greatly improves their taste, as well as making them completely safe to consume."

Dried Porcini / King Bolete
Boletus edulis
The Porcini's flavour intensifies with drying, it is easily reconstituted, and its resulting texture is quite pleasant.
Reconstitution is done by soaking in hot, but not boiling water for about twenty minutes. The water used is infused with the mushroom flavour and aroma, and it too can be used in subsequent cooking.
Dried porcini has more protein than most other commonly used vegetables, apart from soybeans.

Dried Scaly Hedgehog / Hawk's Wing
Sarcodon imbricatus
The Hawk's Wing can grow to be quite large. Its funnel-shaped cap can measure up to 30 cm in diameter.
People in different countries use them in a variety of ways, including grinding them and sprinkling as a spice.
The distinctive spicy aroma of fried younger specimens has made it an expensive delicacy on the Japanese food market.
In Bulgaria, it is collected, dried and finely ground to be used as an aromatic mushroom flour, and in Korea, it's used as a mushroom tea.

Neungi-cha (scaly hedgehog tea)

Dried Cat Pine Mushrooms
Catathelasma ventricosum
Cat Pines are mycorrhizal, growing on the ground under conifers. A very sturdy mushrooms, their stems taper towards the bottom and most of the time are deeply buried in the soil.
This mushroom is not very common (almost unknown) in most parts of North America and gets very little (or no) press as a good edible here.
However, the folks from the Tibet homelands and other mountainous areas of Asia would know this mushroom very well, both as an ancient medicinal and as a welcomed food source.

Dried Yellow Foot / Winter Chanterelles
Craterellus tubaeformis
The Yellow Foot's taste is stronger, but less fruity than the Golden Chanterelle. It is an excellent food mushroom, and easily dried for preservation.
Since hollow, it is among some of the best mushrooms for dehydrating and keeping in large pieces. The stem may be longer than wanted sometimes, but don't dispose of it! Cut or chop it and use in the same dish.
From a nutritional perspective, the Yellow Foot is a natural source of fibre, vitamins B, D, and K, and copper.
Dried Golden Chanterelles
Cantharellus cibarius
Though records of Chanterelles being eaten date back to the 16th century, they first gained widespread recognition as a culinary delicacy with the spreading influence of French cuisine in the 18th century.
Many species emit a fruity aroma, reminiscent of apricots and often have a mildly peppery taste (hence its German name; Pfifferling).
When dried, Chanterelles tend to maintain their aroma and consistency quite well. Some chefs profess that reconstituted Chanterelles are superior in flavor to fresh ones.
Dried Chanterelles can also be crushed into flour and used in seasoning or sauces.

Dried Hedgehog Mushrooms
Hydnum repandum
The Hedgehog is considered to be a good edible, having a sweet, nutty taste and a crunchy texture. Some consider it the culinary equivalent of the Chanterelle.
Dried Hedgehog mushroom is 56% carbohydrates, 4% fat, 2.0% protein. In a 100 gram reference amount, several dietary minerals are high in content, especially copper and manganese.
Major fatty acids include palmitate (16%), stearic acid (1%), oleic acid (26%), linoleic acid (48%) and linolenic acid (20%). Mycosterol is present.